thoughts and media by Ali Abdallah_________________________________________________________________________________________________________



In a relatively short period of time I have found that my original intentions for this project have drastically changed.
Initially I had intended this project to center more around cinematic technique and exploration, while the plot and meaning would be sidelined. Alas, I have realized it is impossible for me to operate in this matter, as evidenced by the artist statement I posted (found under "Writing").
I have not abandoned completely the original idea, but rather I have begun to rework into something that I am much more interested in producing. There is still the two main male characters and they remain distinctly Russian. They are still somehow involved with crime, or atleast come from a less than innocent back ground. They are also brothers.
However, I have added an enormously consequential element to the story. The older brother, before the actual films time setting, has traveled to Chechnya to take care of some important business. He is there for atleast a year, maybe even two. The film begins on the day he reunites with his brother, days after completing his visit to Chechnya.
The trip has greatly impacted the older brother. To the degree to which is willing to change his entire view on life, his entire way of thinking, his entire method of conducting himself. He has converted to Islam, in fact.
The younger brother obviously remains his old self, and throughout the film this contrast will be focused upon. The two clash. The older brother cannot continue to live the life he has been living. He has to get out. He will be forced to make some drastic decisions.
And there is much much more of course, it will sound less cliche as it develops.

Don't worry ;)

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